By Rhonda Campbell

Although adding SEO content to your website can help your company to rank higher in search engines, if you focus on too many topics in your website content you might miss the mark. It’s a reason SEO article and web page content writing may best be approached with your company’s brand and mission statement in mind.
Reaping the Rewards of Content Focus
In its June 26, 2012 “Increasing Conversions and Leads through SEO” article Media Post puts it this way, “When it comes to content, ensure that each page on the site focuses on one logical topic and easily identifies the company.” Plainly stated, if you don’t focus your content you may end up attracting visitors who care next to nothing about your business products and services. Or . . . you may only attract a few visitors.
When I refer to content I’m including SEO articles, web page copy, videos and images. I include images because to optimize your website you want to make sure your images are accompanied by descriptive text. For example, if you use Word Press as your content management system (CMS) make sure you add targeted keywords in the image URL and the image description box. Doing so can help to further distinguish your company from the masses of other online businesses.
SEO Can Increase Your Company’s Profits
To increase your company’s profits your SEO web page content should also be written with crisp action verbs. The good news is that these and other online content strategies are fairly easy to learn. The not so good news is that writing engaging content takes time, especially when you consider the fact that companies with a prominent online presence have thousands of pages of well crafted and topic focused content
It’s also a reason that professional experienced writers are worth their weight in gold. Professional writers who have experience writing for the Internet, can offer suggestions to improve your customer traffic. They meet deadlines, are open to feedback and take pride in their work. In a nutshell, they are assets, excellent business partners. However, and perhaps most of all, professional writers love communicating with words. Writing for them is more than a job; it’s a reward.
Contact me to start fulfilling your writing and project management needs. I look forward to hearing from you!